| | | "The
XXI century could be well that of a crime of humanity against life"
Alain Guillou send an alarm message and proposes a step forward to apply
a solution to contribute slowing down the climatic Earth issue.
FRIGHTENING Antartica and North
Poles are melting, Amazon river is drying up and people are already dying around
the Mexican Gulf and South North America Avalanches killed alpinists
in the Himalayan chain in a place where no one could imagin that to happen. The
seasons are all upside down in various continents The Eternal snow of
Ernst Hemingway are vanishing : 
Nature will be as pitiless as we are being destroying her !
Images researcher and press agent Alain is a photographer of international
reputation ( he won First Life's Picture of the Year in 1983 in the USA). He worked
for magazines like Paris Match, National Geographic, Life, Forbes magazine and
numerous hundred (if not thousands) on all the continents ... He is
also a photographer of the sea and of Brittany which he likes passionately.
With his recumbent carbon bicycle VK3 made in Poland by Velokraft, he prepares
to make photographs in the Island of Yeu before joining the banks of the Nantes
to Brest Canal followed by a drive all around Brittany by North then the South
and return in Nantes ... This run just to prepare himself to take course
toward North Cape in Norway for a drive around all of Europe and to follow the
former line of the Iron Curtain down to the East of Turquey MAY
do you realize that you can pay for your house by not
spending money in your car to go to work. Yes ! a recumbent bicycle allow you
to go faster and further with a minimum effort. If your work is about 20 km from
your home then you can bicycle, save your money, get a better health, help to
preserve precious social health budget and over all contribute to try saving our
planet ? PLease calculate your car cost per kilometer, you will realise
that you can save for most of the cases between 3.000 to 6.000 euros per year
! How much over 15 years ? 2) Did you know that average
car speed of a Parisian commuter is very far less than 40 km/h 3)
Did you know that with a recumbent bicycle at 250 watts of power you
go with a better blood pressure at 42 km/h instead of 35 km/h with a normal racing
bike and that anyone in normal condition may drive this bike at an average speed
of 20 km/h 4) Did you know that with a recumbent bike
you can use mountain clothes technology at winter time to go comfortably around
bicycling in your city whatever is the weather ? (your bike
can even wear snow tyres if nescessary !) 5)
? go and change your life if not yet done ! Partnership
Alain 's partners are: Velokraft Poland, Pulsar-Cycles, Websolaire, Bretagne
Agence Presse etc.
You can also become yourselves an official supporter -- if you buy on
his site one of the splendid CD he published on Brittany and on his voyages.
Alain, rather than publishing photographic books
on paper (finally destroying the forests) proposes an original idea. His diaporamas
screen savers offer an exceptional visual quality that settle under the eyes of
the reader during months instead of collecting dust on a rack. His CD "Fleur
de Sel" on the Salt of Guérande is a "visual monument" carried
out over 20 years of shooting . For Cd's or to finance 1 km for 1 euros or more
and to take part in his action, return on the site www.guillou.com An
original gift idea but also a way to support him and his message project.
Please spread this message around.
: +33 614 839 318 |